Question Answered - What REALLY is the Best Thread Count for Sheets?
When it comes to picking out new sheets, you've probably heard or read about thread count. There seems to be a lot of hype about high thread count these days, but what does it all really mean? High thread counts can be misleading, and some companies may overcharge you for the luxury - even if the sheets are less than desirable. So how do you know which sheets are worth the money? How can you be sure that what you're buying is the "real deal?" You can start by analyzing these tips to help you find the perfect sheets, with just the right thread count - and at an affordable price.
A fabric's thread count is determined by the number of horizontal and vertical threads used per square inch. Traditionally, a higher thread count would equate to a softer sheet. Thread counts typically range from the 200's up to the 800's, however, some sheets go well above the 1,000 thread count mark. Just as an example, if a sheet had 100 threads lengthwise that are woven with 100 threads widthwise, you’ll end up with a thread count of 200.
Singly-ply, double-ply (or two-ply), and even 4-ply sheets exist in the fabric world. Single-ply is made with a single strand of thread, where thicker ply is manufactured by entwining multiple strands of thread. This is mostly a matter of personal preference, however it can be said that a thicker ply may be more durable in the long run.
Again, here is another sheet feature this is merely a matter of personal preference. How you intend to use your sheets can make surely a difference in the fabric you choose. Are the sheets for a child's bed or a master suite? What time of year is it and what is the climate like where you live? Many people opt for cotton or other natural fibers. However, many seem to discount the quality of soft and breathable man-made materials; such as microfiber. Today's technologies offer a much wider range of reliable and affordable options than in years past.
Our sheets are made of poly microfiber and brushed with a PeachSkin finish, which allows for a very high thread count feel without sacrificing durability and comfort. Other fabrics with true high thread counts rarely provide the same experience.
There are many ways that sheets are finished before they are ready to sell. These processes affect the end result by removing smaller fibers, or burning off "fuzz" (you might know this as pilling). Sheets may also be treated in order to improve the fabric's strength and ability to absorb dye. The various steps taken to finish the sheets can dramatically alter their look and feel. For example, PeachSkinSheets are anti-pill, wrinkle-free, and provide long lasting color. This is all due to the steps taken during the finishing process.
If all else fails, do not be afraid to test the fabrics out! Many stores and brands offer swatch samples so you can test the quality and feel of the fabric before you buy. This can be done in-store and oftentimes online. What feels perfect to someone else may not feel ideal for you. Truthfully, there really is no perfect thread count. There are many variables that determine the overall quality of your sheets, and thread count is just one piece of the puzzle. Different combinations of fabric construction may offer you a great end-result product, but the tips shared above should help you choose the perfect sheets according to your preferences.